Tuesday, April 14, 2009

That's my drawing, i was expecting it to actually be from someone else. Do you think you would be able to send me more copies before i go please? Ive got a couple things to ask about before i actually start the details. When you are done with the english ensign with all the talks can you send it to me please, so i can have those powerful talks with me throughout my mission, also I LOVE THE PHOTO ALBUM! that was such a great suprise it made me so happy, i got it the day after that stuff happened, but i can get some pictures of the dogs please, i miss them especially mine ha.

So my investigator has been doing great, i talked to her yesterday and she told me she named her turtle after me, kinda weird but really awsome as well. So i want to know what are you and Dad thinking about moving, cause some of my friends and I are wanting to have some kind of idea of doing something kinda like brock, BUT not so messed up ha. OK THIS IS IMPORTANT youll have to send me deoderant a lot while im there. Because of the humitity everyone sweats like crazy in Japan, and japanese dont smell bad, so they dont have good deoderant ha so ill need that a lot, maybe a boxfull that will last the whole mission ha jk.

Things are going a lot better then last week. Sunday was like a normal sunday here, not anything really special. But i did get your package before easter and i loved all of it so much thank you! I have been saying some pretty crazy prayers lately, and they really have been getting answered. Since last tuesday happened i can actually feel it stronger and am able to realize it. One exapmle is that i prayed that i could feel the influence of the Holy Ghost stronger and the day after i asked for that i heard a voice in my head tell me to read the ensign that i had at the time. So i opened from where i left off and the story or talk was about our heritage and that we come from god and we are his sons and daughters, so after last week that was really a great experiance. And more have happened since then. Thats really asome about second wards youth thing. How did chase, jack and garrette do? Garrette is very right but even if its tough and we break down sometimes Te Lord is still there. Yea yesterday was the best day by far here, and today its pouring, kinda sucks. I dont think there will be any soccer til im in Japan.

I cant wait to get the Shirts we are all so excited for them. ONE of the elders is going to australia now, but he still wants his shirt. My distric has slowly dwindled from 12 to 9 its kinda sad. My investigator has been doing great! she has been meeting with the missionaries there in oregan. She watched all of conference, she went to church on easter sunday, And she is thinking about being baptised but she has some concerns that im trying to help her with. Like i told you she named her new turtle after me, because i have changed her life so much..I havent heard from Kira for a while so let her know i love her and miss her a lot anf thank her for the packages she has sent, I really love the shirt she sent me to.

Love Elder PR Coffey

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