Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Email from 6/18/09

Sorry this is a day late, we went to the temple yesterday, and it was much needed and we didnt get back til late so we didnt have time to email yesterday. Um for cereal waffle crisp, frosted cheerios, frosted mini wheats, captin crunch. I haven't found the Golden spoon yet, im not in tokyo, just a couple hours by train away. Things this week are going okay, better then the past couple probably. My companion is good, i like him a lot, his english isnt good, but he practices by speaking to my in english and my japanese isnt good, so i practice by responding in japanese...WELL at least we try to ha. Yes he is helping my japanese a lot, we do this thing called baseball dendo, we each take turns, we each have to stop 3 people if they all reject then its 3 strikes and the next person goes. But if you get someone to have a conversation then its a hit and the Other person goes, so thats fun. So far no hits for me, ha but its because im white. maybe.
This morning i got the packages, right before coming to email. THANK YOU!!!! now i can save some money cause we have snacks. It kinda seems like things here are more expensive then my last area, so please will you give me an update of my money every couple weeks. Its seems like ive used a lot these past couple weeks. But still thank you so much it will all be used well. And Breggie that was really awsome what you wrote about the best two years, That was well needed as well THANK YOU!!
Well i have been reading out of Jesus the Christ, and reading well started reading out of Matt ,Mark, Luke and John. So those are helping me to better understand things Jesus did and why he would do them and how i need to become to help the people like he helped the people. I sent off some letters today, one is for dad for fathers day, i think thats soon, i have no calender so im not sure when so sorry if it is late. Then one for the family, its got pictures and a smal note. Ill be sending my card home soon cause printing pics here are more expensive, but i have to other ones besides the one in the camera, so i think i will be good.
UM my pant size is 32 i think. As for pepole to teach, we have some people, but havent had a chance to talk to them since they have all been busy, last night we did have dinner with this really cool guy, im the 123 missionary that he has met. But he seems very good, and i think if we keep working at him he will eventually get baptised.
Ok well im pretty sure ive responded to all if not, most I love you all so much and thank you for everything! ]
LOVE YOU Elder Coffey

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