Thursday, May 7, 2009

Finally got an email - yea!!!

im not sure what the firsst part of the email is, but i have the one from brocks computer.

OK for the call, i have the phone number and the time, but i dont know the time difference or the numbers you need to call japan. So you will need to call me Saturday night about 9 My time, which is friday in USA and im not sure what time that is for you. My companion might answer in japanese so just say you need to talk to me, They are only giving us 45 minutes to talk though :(.

Yea when i had my first interview with the mission Pres he told me that they were very good
friends with them. thats awsome.

I did get the box which is awsome! thanks for the blanket and slippers and the tie from breggie. BUT i dont want you to send stuff if it will cosst that much, send smaller stuff and lighter stuff, i feel bad :/.

My flight was long and boring. I studied and read and studied and read. I got to eat salmon and chicken for my 2 meals. My companon is from Florida, his name is elder metts, i dont know if the mission home sent a picture or not. Im doing really good. the ward members are so nice here in my first area. So dad can stalk ill tell you. Its called Togane. Ive given 3 or 4 practice lessons to the members in japanese already, and most of them speak english so they help me a lot. I live in a tiny apartment about the same amount of space as my room and the bathroom combined, but 4 people living there. The food here is awsome. I had japanese curry which is a million times better then indain curry ha. i love it. i dont have much time our train comes soon.

I might send my memory card home the first couple weeks cause these are laptops at a library so i can hook up. But the church is 3 stories and is one of he tallest buidling in the city. And it takes about 30 minutes to get to a place we need to go on bike if we dont get stopped or slowed down. Ok well i need to go catcha train, Ill hopefully have more time next thursday cause i got fed and gave a practice lesson about prayer right before coming.

I love you all so much and cant wait to here from you on saturday my time friday your time.

LOVE YOUElder PR Coffey

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